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Ida Matthews Litchfield - Chapter# 19
The purpose of this organization shall be to assist the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV)
in its historical, educational, benevolent, and social functions, and to educate the public and ourselves about
Confederate History, and to honor and preserve its symbols. The Society is organized exclusively
for one or more of the purposes as specified in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, including
for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations
under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
In celebration of the Lee/Jackson Banquet, I commend each of you for your dedication
and hard work. You deserve to be proud of your achievement. May our future efforts be
equally successful and rewarding. Thank you for the help in preparing for the
Lee/Jackson Banquet. It honors me to say it was a great TEAM effort. It's a great honor
to work with our OCR Ladies and the men of the Litchfield Camp. Our determination to
move forward and help preserve our heritage is on the rise. We have a lot of upcoming
events, please note your calendars.
May God Bless,
Connie Lewis
Ocr President
Contact Info:
President: Connie Lewis
Vice President: Betty Bowling
Secretary: Donna Davis
Treasurer: Marie Zakrzewski
Order of Confederate Rose:
Order of Confederate Rose |
Sons of Confederate Veterans: |
Military Order of Stars and Bars |
United Daughters of the Confederacy |
Reenacting Groups: Palmetto Battalion |
Heritage & Preservation: Confederate Heritage Trust, Inc. |